10 Ayurvedic Herbs to Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally

10 Ayurvedic Herbs to Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally

Did you know? Cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading causes of death globally. Not just that, the incidences of heart attacks are found to increase in the young Indian population. Though there are numerous factors to blame here, the top most is always the poor cholesterol control

Cholesterol is essentially the fats required to keep the body cells healthy and intact. However, if their level in the blood rises above the normal range, they result in fatty deposits in the blood vessels, posing a potential threat to the heart and sometimes even causing death due to heart strokes. 

But, you do not need to worry at all! Fortunately there are ways to lower your cholesterol naturally.

Yes! You heard it right, boons of nature in the form of ayurvedic herbs can significantly reduce the risk of heart diseases.  

Given below are the 10 powerful ayurvedic herbs to naturally lower the cholesterol:

 1.The astonishing Arjuna

Arjuna or Terminalia arjuna is one of those ayurvedic wonders that has been employed for centuries now for the treatment of heart diseases. The bark of the Arjuna tree is where it holds all the magic. Packed with antioxidants, this ayurvedic herb does not just help in lowering the bad cholesterol (reducing the fatty deposits) but also works in improving the blood circulation.

 2.Calm & classy Jatamansi-

Jatamansi or Nardostachys jatamansi is a rhizome grown at high altitudes. The most desirable feature of this herb is its ability to synergise and calm multiple functions of the body. From relieving insomnia to regulating blood pressure and calming the entire nervous system, this miraculous herb is indeed a classy one to regulate cardiovascular health.

 3.The marvelous Musta

Musta or Cyperus rotundus is popularly known as Nagarmotha. The benefits of this medicinal weed is not hidden to the world as it has been used for multiple home remedies such as for hair fall, bowel issues, etc. However, it also finds a decent place in prevention of heart diseases too; all because of its marvelous anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity (lowering bad cholesterol) and antioxidant properties.

 4.The brilliant Brahmi

Brahmi or Bacopa monnieri is another brilliant ayurvedic herb that helps for cholesterol control in conjunction with other health benefits. Primarily, Brahmi is a medicine of medhya rasayana (mental health) which finds its connection with improving heart health too, as it improves the lifestyle and vitalises the nervous system. Besides this, it is regarded as a cardiotonic due to its cardiac muscle relaxation abilities.

 5.The amazing Ajwain

Khurasani Ajwain Or Hyoscyamus niger is particularly known for its hot potency as it exceptionally balances the kapha and vata doshas. It increases the pitta, as a result improves metabolism and reduces bad cholesterol.

 6.The generous Guggul

Guggul or Commiphora mukul is also a common ayurvedic herb used to control blood cholesterol. Hypertension, inflammation and hyperlipoproteinemia can be effectively prevented by Guggul.

 7.The stunning Sarpagandha

 Sarpagandha or Rauwolfia serpentina is an incredible ayurvedic stunner when it comes to lowering cholesterol naturally. Not only it lowers the bad cholesterol but also it promotes the good cholesterol, improving overall heart health. Moreover, its antihypertensive action stabilizes the blood pressure too.

8.The thoughtful Tagar

Tagar or Valeriana wallichii is indeed a thoughtful ayurvedic herb as it helps relax the nervous system, improve sleep and combat anxiety. This sedative effect of Tagar keeps blood pressure in control, relaxes the smooth muscles and increases the blood flow; as a result enabling the heart to be in the optimal state.

 9.The legendary Lasuna 

Lasuna or Allium sativum has been used for therapeutic purposes for more than 100 years now. Backed with the scientific evidence, lasuna is deemed as a legend of having cardiovascular protective properties. It consists of compounds that prevent the synthesis of cholesterol.

 10.The happening Haldi 

Haldi or Curcuma longa consists of the active compound called curcumins.  This compound along with other compounds has the potential to lower the bad cholesterol levels along with increasing the good cholesterol in the bloodstream.


It is vital to note that cholesterol increases due to many reasons, some of them are even unavoidable; such as sedentary lifestyle, excessive stress,etc as we live in a modern era. Though it seems nothing is in our control, it's time to know that cholesterol control is completely in our hands. All it takes is a switch to healthy habits while joining hands with the mighty Ayurveda.

The above-mentioned 10 ayurvedic herbs are highly recommended to be incorporated in your routine if you wish to have a healthy heart.

Adding more convenience to your lifestyle, we bring to you ‘Soham’s Ayur Card’. They are essentially ayurvedic tablets in their ready to consume form; saving you the hassle of picking the herbs, checking their prescribed consumption range and so on.

All you have to do is order your pack of Ayur Card from us and reap the benefits!

Also, you would be glad to know that most of the ayurvedic herbs mentioned above are encompassed in these ayurvedic cholesterol tablets.



 1.How can we control cholesterol naturally?

Ayurvedic remedies can be considered for lowering your cholesterol naturally. Consumption of a reliable Ayurvedic formulation such as Soham’s Ayur Card tablets along with a healthy diet and exercise routine can help significantly.

 2. Are Ayurvedic herbs effective for cholesterol control?

Ayurvedic herbs are natural means to control blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart diseases. However, it is important to know that their effectiveness may differ from person to person depending on each one’s existing health condition and lifestyle.

3. Are there any side effects of the Ayurvedic herbs?

Most of the Ayurvedic herbs show negligible to no side effects, provided a person is not allergic to it. Moreover, it is always suggested to seek advice of your healthcare provider before commencing the use of any ayurvedic medicine.

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