Ayurveda, the ancient Indian holistic science which encompasses natural remedies or formulation of the herbal ingredients, focuses on restoring health naturally by balancing the doshas. Though, currently it's being employed for various health issues on a large scale, it still lacks the deserving recognition in the beauty world.
Considering the fact that a healthy body promotes healthy skin which in turn can encourage the natural radiance and beauty, Ayurveda definitely holds a special place in imparting the glow that lasts longer. Given below are some of the remarkable ayurvedic products by Soham Ayur that can enhance your inner and outer beauty.
● Gulkand
Gulkand or rose petal jam is a satiating delight, and a versatile tasty natural supplement that should definitely have a priority spot in your ayurvedic skincare for glowing skin. It has natural cooling properties to stabilize the body heat and prevent various skin problems.
Moreover, rose petals are found to possess the blood purifying and antioxidant properties to offer clear and radiant skin which is healthy enough to fight the free radicals and avoid prematuring aging.
● Amlakand
Amlakand or Amla Murabba, is made up of Indian gooseberries or Amla which is loaded with vitamin C, gallic acid, proteins, amino acids, other vitamins and minerals, which makes it one of the best ayurvedic products for skin glow and vitality. All of them favor an efficient detoxification in the body to flush off all the toxins and provide a clearer and brighter skin tone.
Besides this, Amla is rich in iron and water content which also helps in keeping the skin hydrated, fresh and healthy. In addition to this, the anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and astringent nature of Amla can help prevent acne and pimples along with keeping the skin tight, firm and youthful.
● Amla Juice
Amla juice is the other alternative to pull up the benefits of Amla that you can consider along with Amlakand. In many of the ayurvedic beauty tips for luminous skin, it has been stated that regular consumption of Amla juice as a part of a balanced diet can eliminate major skin problems by pacifying the doshas. Moreover, regularly drinking the Amla juice can boost the collagen production that keeps the skin tight and bright.
● Pachan Amrut Juice
Soham Ayur’s Pachan Amrut is a highly beneficial formulation that consists of a blend of upto 10 miraculous herbs. It is primarily made for regulating digestion and combating digestive problems like bloating, acid-reflux, etc. However, its application can extend to cover a variety of health solutions such as improved energy levels, detoxification, healthy gut and eventually healthy glowing skin.
It consists of ingredients like Amla, Pudina, Jeera, Hing, etc. which are more or less used for natural remedies for radiant skin. With antioxidant, antibacterial and anti aging properties, these herbs can potentially help in promoting great skin along with overall well-being.
The Ayurvedic approach for healthy and radiant skin is a worthy attempt to have a transforming personality with the best state of mental, physical and spiritual health. Moreover, the herbal treatments for healthy skin or ayurvedic products for deep cleansing and natural detoxification have been noted to work miraculously in most cases.
To embrace and experience the ayurvedic miracles yourself, we highly recommend you to try Soham Ayur’s all natural ayurvedic products. With the wisdom of experts and the promise of holistic care, each product by Soham Ayur is essentially a soulful gift to mankind. So here’s to you, evolve your health and transform your skin!
Can ayurveda help in making skin radiant and healthy?
Ayurvedic remedies, herbs or products are found to be useful in naturally improving skin health and overall vitality. You can consider incorporating Soham Ayur’s 100% herbal products in your routine and experience the holistic magic of ayurveda yourself.
Can I consume Gulkand daily to improve my skin?
Gulkand is an excellent blood purifier that consists of a lot of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Consuming a spoonful of gulkand either once or twice a day can do wonders to your body, one of them is radiant and fresh skin.
Can I permanently get rid of my skin problems with ayurveda?
Ayurveda is that branch of medicine that is found to work more on the preventive side, i.e. on the root cause of the problem. Hence, most of the time it's possible to cure a particular skin problem permanently by employing ayurvedic methods.