Struggling with Diabetic Symptoms? Discover Ayurvedic Solutions!

Struggling with Diabetic Symptoms? Discover Ayurvedic Solutions!

Diabetes is one of the chronic medical conditions which is often considered to be normal in Indian households. However, there is a serious need for bringing about a change in this scenario as insulin sensitivity, followed by extreme sugar build up in the bloodstream can lead to kidney problems, heart diseases and even nerve damage. Surviving with this condition can be challenging unless you join hands with Ayurveda and explore the holistic angle. 

Since a few decades ago, Ayurvedic remedies for diabetes have been found to complement modern medicine, enabling the desired sugar control and enhanced insulin sensitivity. Balancing the body energies along with improving the overall well being is the wholesome approach of Ayurveda to soulfully help manage the diabetic symptoms. Here, we shall discuss those amazing ayurvedic solutions that you must know. Read further to know about them.

Mindful eating:

Switching to the low glycemic diet is one of the most effective solutions for managing diabetic symptoms with Ayurveda. Green leafy vegetables (broccoli, bitter gourd, spinach, etc), whole grains (brown rice, millets, etc), protein rich food (legumes, lentils, white meat, etc) and healthy fats (avocado, nuts, ghee, etc) should be incorporated in your meals in an absolutely balanced manner. 

Avoid processed or refined food along with high fat dairy products as it spikes the blood sugar levels. Moreover, Ayurveda suggests keeping an eye on portions you fill your plates with, as being aware of your hunger and fullness is the most important indicator. Besides this, a brilliant eating habit recommended by ayurveda is to avoid multitasking while eating so that you stay mindful about the savory and your appetite to prevent overeating.            

Exercising & Relaxing 

Ayurveda highly recommends working out or developing a proper exercise routine as maintaining an ideal body weight is often deemed as one of the natural diabetes treatments.

This is because exercising or being active throughout the day improves insulin sensitivity which is required to regulate blood sugar levels. Brisk walking and moderate exercising for about 25-30 minutes is enough to suffice your body activity needs. Also, yoga poses such as Vajrasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, etc are suggested by Ayurveda as they help in improving metabolism and eventually weight management. 

Besides this, taking adequate rest and relaxation, i.e. aiming for 7-8 hours of deep sleep, meditation and breathing exercises (Pranayama) also plays a role in diabetes control. The reason behind this is the lack of sleep can increase the insulin resistance and lack of relaxation can increase the stress hormone which in turn can result in blood sugar spike. 

Optimal Hydration 

Ayurvedic teachings suggest that sipping luke warm or normal temperature water can aid in efficient digestion. Moreover, hydration keeps the kidneys in a healthy condition, allowing it to effectively eliminate the excess sugar through urine. Also, it is often noted that herbal tea and ayurvedic herbs infused water can enable adequate hydration and you can consider adding it to your routine for keeping your blood sugar and digestion in check. 

Herbal formula/Ayurvedic medicines 

Traditional medicine for diabetes management based on the ayurvedic formula is found to be helpful in diabetes management. A strong reason behind this is the therapeutic properties of the ayurvedic herbs that enables natural healing and long term relief, allowing an individual to effectively manage the diabetic symptoms. Musta, Amla (Indian gooseberries), Chitrak, Jamun seeds, turmeric, etc are some of the highly beneficial ayurvedic herbs that are renowned to regulate blood sugar. 

These herbs have distinct nutrients that help in curbing the sugar cravings, weight management, detoxification, inflammation control, immune system support, optimal kidney health and overall well being. Hence consumption of any of these herbs or an infusion of these herbs in specified quantities is highly recommended for ideal sugar control.   

Key Takeaway

If you have read up to this point, we are certain that you would realise that managing diabetes employing natural remedies is not at all a rocket science. However, we are also sure that it isn't any magical pill either. With a healthy lifestyle and sufficient support of ayurveda, it is indeed possible to keep the blood sugar in control without any hassle. Undoubtedly, it takes consistency, commitment, contentment and at times even patience to bring back the balance in your body and nurture it the best way. 

At Soham Ayur, we are devoted to help you on this path with our amazing ayurvedic formulation, especially crafted for adequate diabetes management. Ayur Dibet by Soham Ayur is one of those Herbal supplements for blood sugar control that consists of premium quality ingredients that are free of any adulteration or cruel substances that can cause harm to the human body or the environment. Also, we would like to mention that Ayur Dibet capsules encompass all of the brilliant therapeutic herbs that are stated above. Lastly, we shall delightfully encourage you to practice the above remedies while exploring the blissful Soham Ayur’s Diabetic capsules.


  1. Is it safe to consume ayurvedic herbs for managing diabetes symptoms?

Generally it is safe to consume ayurvedic herbs, provided their consumptions are limited to the specified quantities. Moreover, Ayur Dibet capsules are crafted with a perfect recipe that avoids any kind of overdose so it can be considered.


  1. Is it ok if I consume ayurvedic herbs with other medicines?

Ayurvedic remedies/herbs most of the time do not interact with other treatments, rather it's a holistic science that supports alternative care. However, it is highly recommended to seek advice from your healthcare provider before you commence consumption of any ayurvedic herb, considering the fact that every body reacts differently. 

  1. Can losing weight help manage diabetes?

Yes, it's extremely important to maintain the ideal weight if you wish to keep the blood sugar in control. This is because a balanced body will keep the insulin sensitivity in check. Hence is advised to be active or to have an exercise routine with a balanced diet if you are diagnosed with diabetes. 

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